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You can opt instead to view the simple test, which will give you a quick pass/fail for IPv4, IPv4+IPv6, and IPv6. It will however offer little diagnostic information.
Bu test necə çalışır: Sizin brauzerinizdə bir neçə URL keçid icra olunacaqdır. Müvəffəqiyyətli və uğursuz olan keçidlərin hesabatına əsasən sizin İPv6 şəbəkəsinə hazırlığınız bildiriləcək.
Baxmaq Texniki Məlumat
İPv4 DNS testi |
İPv6 DNS testi |
Dual Stack DNS testi |
Dual Stack DNS və böyük paket testi |
DNS olmadan İPv4 test |
DNS olmadan İPv6 test |
İPv6 böyük paket testi |
İSP-in DNS xidmətinin İPv6 dəstəkləməsi testi |
İPv4 Servis Provayderi |
İPv6 Servis Provayderi |
Buggy DNS testi |
Baxmaq Nəticələri Paylaş / Əlaqə
Bu test necə çalışır: Sizin brauzerinizdə bir neçə URL keçid icra olunacaqdır. Müvəffəqiyyətli və uğursuz olan keçidlərin hesabatına əsasən sizin İPv6 şəbəkəsinə hazırlığınız bildiriləcək.
Baxmaq Nəticələr
İPv4 DNS testi
Fetches an object that has just an A record in DNS. This is expected to use IPv4. IPv6-only users might still reach this, if their provider has employed a NAT64/DNS64 or proxy solution.
İPv6 DNS testi
Fetches an object that has just an AAAA record in DNS. This is expected to use IPv6. Users not yet on the IPv6 Internet are likely to see this fail. As long as it fails quickly, it will be OK - for now.
Dual Stack DNS testi
This is the most important test. This verifies your browser can connect to a site that has both IPv4 and IPv6 records published. IPv4 only hosts should connect fine (using IPv4).
If this test fails or times out, you can expect major problems as publishers start offering their sites on IPv6. |
Dual Stack DNS və böyük paket testi
Validates that you can connect to a dual-stack server (like the ds test); and that you can send/receive large packets on that connection. If this test times out for any reason, it indicates trouble for World IPv6 Day.
DNS olmadan İPv4 test
This will try connecting with a literal IPv4 numeric address. This should work for most people, unless they are running IPv6-only. If the first test worked, but this fails, it likely confirms your provider is using NAT64/DNS64; you'll need to only try connecting using hostnames instead of numeric IP addresses.
DNS olmadan İPv6 test
This will try connecting with a literal IPv6 hexadecimal address. The primary purpose of this test is to separate out your connectivity on IPv6 from your ability to fetch DNS for it. A secondary purpose is to see if you have Teredo enabled; some systems may only use Teredo when an IPv6 address is in the URL.
İPv6 böyük paket testi
Validates that IPv6 requests with large packets work. If this test times out, but other IPv6 tests work, it suggests that there may be PMTUD issues; possibly involving IP tunnels.
Firewall-ınızda İCMPv6 Tip 2 (Böyük Paket) paketlərinin icazəli olduğunu yoxlayın.
İSP-in DNS xidmətinin İPv6 dəstəkləməsi testi
(Bu bonus kreditdir)
This is a test of your ISP's resolver (instead of a test of your host). If this test passes, your DNS server (often run by your ISP) is capable of reaching IPV6-only DNS authoritative servers on the Internet. This is not critical (at this time) for you to reach sites via IPv6.
İPv4 Servis Provayderi
Attempts to identify what Internet Service Provider you use for IPv4. This may be different from the marketing name you see in your local market; or may reflect a previous company name. The name shown reflects how it is known in the network operator community.
İPv6 Servis Provayderi
Attempts to identify what Internet Service Provider you use for IPv6. When the IPv4 name and the IPv6 name don't match, it may suggest that you're using a tunnel; or some form of third party provider for IPv6.
Buggy DNS testi
Queries for a malformed AAAA record. Some routers mishandle these as "A" records, and only keep the first 32 bits. We want this test to fail to connect.
If the summary results indicated problems, you (or your technical support) may be able to use the information above to diagnose the issues. Each of the test urls and their results is shown on the left side. To the right you'll see a description of what that URL was designed to test.
Baxmaq Nəticələri Paylaş / Əlaqə
Help desk information will follow once the test completes.
More information about this page, including how to bookmark it: faq_helpdesk.html.
If your Internet help desk asks you to mail the 'results url', copy and paste the following URL. Note that this will share your current numeric Internet Protocol address(es). We do not recommend posting this link on public web sites such as forums.
Əksər kompüterlərdə siz keçidin üstündə sağ düymə ilə klik edib 'Kopyala' seçə bilərsiniz.
Eyham: Sütünlar sıralana bilir (ilk sətirə toxunun); Təkrar keçidlərin əlçatan olduğunu təkrar yoxlamaq üçün bura toxunun.
It is real easy to get added to this list for basic checks. Just provide two image URLs (one IPv4-only; one IPv6-only), to Jason Fesler <>. Also send your general web site address and organization name.
Copyright (C) 2010, 2017 Jason Fesler. Bütün hüquqlar gizlidir. Version 1.1.678 (d75fb56)
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This form will let you leave a comment, voice concerns, or ask questions. Your test results will be included automatically. This includes your IP address, which is shared with the site administrator in order to answer your questions. Use of this form implies consent.
Əgər sizin test ilə probleminiz varsa və ya nəticələriniz ilə bağlı sualınız yaranarsa zəhmət olmasa tələb olunan məlumatları tam şəkildə göndərin. Ümumi şərhlər yazan zaman test hesabatının yalnız vacib olan hissələrini qeyddə göstərin.
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